Autumn Flu and Covid Programme 2023/24

Both the Flu and Covid vaccination season has started earlier than originally announced due to rises of both diseases in the UK.

The vaccinating of patients at the surgery will only be open to does who are classed as clinically @ risk as confirmed by the JCVI with no exceptions.

Definition of clinically at risk as below:

  • Residents in a care home for older adults
  • All adults aged 65 years and over
  • Persons aged 6 months to 64 years in a clinical risk group, as laid out in the Immunisation Green Book, COVID-19 Chapter (Green Book), Immunisations Green Book Influenza Chapter (Green book).
  • Frontline health and social care workers
  • Persons aged 12 to 64 years who are household contacts (as defined in the Green Book) of people with immunosuppression
  • Persons aged 16 to 64 years who are carers (as defined in the Green Book) and staff working in care homes for older adults.
  • Children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2023 (born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2021) for Flu vaccination.

The Practice will be running dedicated clinics for all eligible patients over the coming weeks and invitations via SMS messaging to patients have already started to go out. We ask all who are eligible and have received their invites to either book yourselves in using the link provided in the SMS message or by calling the practice between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

Patients aged 18 plus and within a clinical risk groups will be offered both the Covid and Flu vaccination at the same time, so you will only need to book one appointment if having both either or. Patients under 18 will be offered the nasal flu vaccination unless clinically contraindicated, where we will be able to offer an alternative but only if clinically they are unable to have the nasal vaccine.

If you are aged 65 or over, please be aware invitations for your age group have not yet been sent and will be sent in the coming week so please bear with us and await your invitation.

Patients who are classed as Housebound, will be called to confirm if they wish to take up the offer of the vaccinations and will then be contacted at a later date to confirm when they will be immunised at their place of residence. Vaccinations will be done by the community nursing team.

Patients who we are unable to contact via SMS messaging due to no mobile number or change in contact details that we are unaware of, will be contacted by the practice via telephone, letter or

email in the coming week to offer both Flu and Covid vaccinations for adults or just the flu vaccination for under 18’s.


If you do not wish to have either vaccination this year, we ask for you to let us know either by responding through your invite link, sending us an admin query or by letting us know when we call you, this will allow us to ensure your records are updated with this information and so we can remove you from our reminder Campaigns (SMS/Calls).

This does not stop you in the future of changing your mind and taking up the offer of the vaccines, it just stops us from sending or making opportunistic communications regarding the vaccinations.

If you are unable to attend our dedicated clinic dates, you can also book through the national systems for both Flu and Covid:


Covid Booking system

Flu booking system

OR Alternately contact your local pharmacy.


School aged children with no Clinical risk – Parents/ legal guardians, your child will be offered the Vaccination as part of the Governments School programme, please seek advice from your childs school as to when they will be offered the vaccination at their school or where/when they will run local clinics if they are unable to have it at school. If your Child is home schooled and you wish for them to have the flu vaccine, please contact the surgery to obtain further information as to your options.


For further information regarding either the flu or Covid vaccination please check out the NHS website.

Covid -

Flu Adult-

Flu Children -

Covid-19 Spring Booster Vaccination

Covid-19 Spring Booster Vaccination

Get vaccinated in Wandsworth. Get protected.

You can walk in to a vaccination pop up clinic. Pop up clinics are available for:

  • Those aged 12 and over
  • 1st and 2nd Covid-19 vaccine doses
  • Spring Booster Vaccine (adults aged 75 years and over, residents in a care home for older adults and individuals aged 5 years and over who are immunosuppressed)

17 April to 30 June 2023

  • All Saints Church, Putney Common, London SW15 1HL (1.30pm to 4.50pm) (closed on Monday 1 and Monday 8 May)


  • All Saints Church, Putney Common, London SW15 1HL (1.30pm to 4.50pm )
  • Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton Lane SW15 5PN (9am to 1pm)


  • Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton Lane SW15 5PN (9am to 1pm)


For the full poster of this information, click here.

COVID-19 abroad vaccinations

Tell the NHS about coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations you have had abroad

This service enables you to book an appointment to show evidence for any coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations you’ve had outside of England. This is so the NHS can securely update your vaccination record.
Who can use this service:
• are aged 18 years old or over
• have an NHS number
• have received one of these MHRA-approved vaccines outside of England – Oxford/AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria), Pfizer/BioNTech (Comirnaty), Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) or Moderna (Spikevax)

Find us

88a Thurleigh Road
London, SW12 8TT
View on Map

Contact us

Tel: +44(0)20 8675 3521

Submit a request

Opening Times

Doors Open: 8am – 6.30pm
Telephone Lines: 8am-6.30pm
Clinic Hours: 7.30am-7.30pm
When we are closed call NHS 111

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